What is beard oil
Beards & Grooming

Beard Oil: What Is It & How Does It Work?

Beard oil is one of the most important tools for maintaining a healthy beard.

But what exactly is beard oil and why should you use it?

What Is Beard Oil

Beard oil is a grooming product specifically designed for men with facial hair. Most beard oils consist of a blend of oils that are formulated to moisturize, condition, and soften the beard hair and the underlying skin.

What Does Beard Oil Do?

What is beard oilThe body naturally produces an oil called sebum oil that nourishes your beard hairs. But as your facial hair grows, the amount of oil needed to moisturize your beard is too much for your body to produce naturally.

If your beard is dry or the skin beneath your beard is itchy, beard oil is the solution to your problem.

The regular use of beard oil will help keep your beard looking its best while keeping the skin beneath your beard moisturized and comfortable.

Using beard oil also reduces split ends, thus lessening the need to trim as often.

Beard Oil Ingredients

Most beard oils are made from a combination of at least two types of oils: carrier oils and essential oils.

Carrier oils make up the bulk of the formula and deliver many key benefits, while essential oils are added sparingly to provide fragrance and other aromatic benefits.

Carrier Oils

Beard oil typically contains a variety of carrier oils, such as jojoba oil, argan oil, coconut oil, grapeseed oil, or almond oil. These oils have moisturizing properties and help to hydrate the beard hair, preventing it from becoming dry, brittle, and prone to breakage. Carrier oils also nourish the skin beneath the beard, reducing itchiness and dandruff.

These oils are often found in natural lotions, shampoos, soaps, and other beauty products because the hydrating effects of these oils for your skin and hair follicles are natural and chemical-free.

Here’s a list of common carrier oils used in many beard oils:

  • Almond Oil – almond oil helps with ingrown hairs by reducing inflammation
  • Argan Oil – argan oil softens the skin and can be an effective aid in reducing wrinkles
  • Castor Oil – castor oil is known to help with dry and irritated skin
  • Coconut Oil – coconut oil provides a moisturizing benefit for your skin and beard
  • Grape Seed Oil – grape seed oil helps with ingrown hairs and can clear your face of acne
  • Hazelnut Oil – hazelnut oil provides hydration for those with dry skin or  eczema

Essential Oils

Essential oils are often added to beard oil to provide fragrance and offer additional benefits.

The options are nearly limitless when it comes to essential oils. Common essential oils used in beard oil include cedarwood, sandalwood, lavender, eucalyptus, or citrus oils. These oils can provide a pleasant scent and may have soothing, antimicrobial, or anti-inflammatory properties.

In addition to smelling good, many essential oils are also known to be used as natural remedies.

How to Apply Beard Oil

If you’re like me and apply your beard oil post-shower, you’ll definitely want to towel dry first. It’s best to use beard oil on a damp or dry beard.

Step 1: Brush Through Your Beard

Start by brushing through your beard. The beard oil will be easier to apply once you untangle any stray hairs.

Step 2: Dispense The Beard Oil Into Your Hands

With beard oil, a little goes a long way. I recommend starting small and figuring out how much you prefer.

Beard oil can be dispensed in several ways. Most brands use a dropper, orifice reducer cap, or spray.

Step 3: Apply Beard Oil To Your Facial Hair

Make sure to apply the oil throughout your beard.

Step 4: Comb & Style Your Beard

Style and shape your beard by hand or with a beard comb. Using a beard comb helps to apply the beard oil more thoroughly and gives your beard additional volume.

What Is The Best Beard Oil?

Here is a list of some of the best beard oils. You can click each beard oil to read a review for each brand.


Owner and creator of BeardedExpert.com - A certified beard expert, outdoors enthusiast, husband, and father (not in that order). Here to help in your pursuit of better life experiences.