beard balm
Beards & Grooming

Beard Balm

There are several different types of products to enhance your beard, but I would argue that beard balm is the most valuable. I use it on a daily basis.

Honestly, I use tons of beard grooming products – beard oil, shampoos, conditioners, mustache wax, etc. They are all important if you want to grow a better beard, but beard balm is a must, especially if you have a curly or unruly beard.

If you have shorter facial hair, you may not think you need beard balm yet, but as your beard grows, so will your need for a quality beard balm.

What Is Beard Balm?

Beard balm or utility balm is a type of beard care product that is used to style beards and keep them moistured.

Most basic beard balms contain some combination of beeswax, shea butter, and coconut oil.

Beeswax helps to shape your beard and seal in moisture for longer. Shea butter will keep your beard feeling soft, and the coconut oil will give it that shine.

Essential oils are also frequently added to beard balm, so your beard will not only look great but smell great too.

Is Beard Balm Safe For Your Skin?

These natural ingredients are perfectly safe for your skin.

In fact, utility balm was originally developed to be used as a skin moisturizer, so you can use it for more than beards. I’ve got a few tattoos, and beard balm is useful to keep the skin moisturized and prevent fading.

How To Use Beard Balm

I’ve used several different beard balms with varying characteristics, but the process to apply beard balm is universal.

Here’s how to apply beard balm in 5 easy steps

Step 1: Brush Through Your Beard

First, brush through your beard in order to untangle any knots and easily identify stray facial hairs.

how to use beard balm step 1

Step 2: Scrape Out The Beard Balm

Some balms can be pretty tough to remove from the container. I recommend using the back of your thumb or fingernail to scrape it out.

The appropriate amount really depends on the length of your facial hair and your personal preferences.

how to use beard balm step 2

Step 3: Melt The Balm in Your Hands

Rubbing your hands together will heat the balm enough to melt.

how to use beard balm step 3

Step 4: Spread The Balm Through Your Beard

Once melted, you can easily spread the balm throughout your beard.

how to use beard balm step4


Step 5: Style Your Beard

And voila! Beard balm turned the rough beard that you saw in step 1 to this well-groomed and shaped beard within seconds.

how to use beard balm step 5

What Is The Best Beard Balm?

There are several great beard balms on the market today, and finding the best beard balm is about finding a product that matches your beard’s needs.

Here are the 5 best beard balms worth checking out:

  • Beardbrand Beard Balm
  • Cremo Beard Balm
  • Honest Amish Beard Balm
  • Grave Before Shave Beard Balm

Owner and creator of - A certified beard expert, outdoors enthusiast, husband, and father (not in that order). Here to help in your pursuit of better life experiences.